Daily News

Dealing with Distractions and Overreactions

Five million American children and teenagers have Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, commonly known as ADHD.

ADHD makes it difficult – if not impossible – to stay with a duty until it is complete.

Katherine Ellison knows the problem well. She is a mother who was always yelling at her son to be quiet, to sit still, to stay on task. She did not know that he had ADHD. She also did not know that she had it too.

Ms. Ellison wrote a book about the issue with her son, Buzz. VOA’s Faiza Elmasry talked to her about, “Buzz: A Year of Paying Attention.”

Buzz Ellison is a child who had many problems in elementary school. He could not sit still. He was constantly jumping up and down in class. He did not pay attention to his teachers and could not focus on the task at hand.

As a result, his mother says, he was always in trouble. He also got bullied. And his teachers gave him a lot of negative feedback.

Katherine Ellison, is a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter. She did not understand why her son behaved the way he did. And she admits that her behavior was only making the situation worse.

When Buzz was nine doctors identified his problem. They said he had ADHD. And, like many parents of children with ADHD, Ellison learned she had the disorder as well. She was in her late 40s.

So, the mother and son teamed to write a book about their experience. Ms. Ellison says she was happy that ADHD became a project for them instead of a fight between them.

They explored the world of ADHD for a year.