
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry stood stock-still, turning his sightless eyes left and right. The cold was so intense he was shivering all over; goose bumps had erupted up his arms and the hairs on the back of his neck were standing up – he opened his eyes to their fullest extent, staring blankly around, unseeing.

It was impossible … they couldn’t be here … not in Little Whinging … he strained his ears … he would hear them before he saw them …

‘I’ll t-tell Dad!’ Dudley whimpered. ‘W-where are you? What are you d-do—?’

‘Will you shut up?’ Harry hissed, ‘I’m trying to lis—’

But he fell silent. He had heard just the thing he had been dreading.

There was something in the alleyway apart from themselves, something that was drawing long, hoarse, rattling breaths. Harry felt a horrible jolt of dread as he stood trembling in the freezing air.

‘C-cut it out! Stop doing it! I’ll h-hit you, I swear I will!’

‘Dudley, shut—’


A fist made contact with the side of Harry’s head, lifting him off his feet. Small white lights popped in front of his eyes. For the second time in an hour Harry felt as though his head had been cleaved in two; next moment, he had landed hard on the ground and his wand had flown out of his hand.

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